Used in What Way

Two years ago, I was only 12 years old.
I went to gamestop to buy a pokemon card because I had money and nothing to spend it on
I check the used game section and I find a copy of Star Fox 64 3D
Some guy on YouTube told me Star Fox was a good game, and I had a 3DS so I buy the game
I played my Star Fox game for about two weeks, cuz it was my newest game what else was I gonna play
I picked it up from time to time, even after I beat it, whenever I was out of pokemon games to replay
Little did I know however, there was something very wrong with this cartridge.
Two years later, I'm telling my friends Star Fox is a good game franchise, except the new one was shit
I tell them I was very lucky to find a used copy of Star Fox 64 3D, cuz those are really hard to find or something
They asked me "Used in What Way?"
I am very confused, and I tell them I got it in the used section at gamestop
They tell me this is very bad
I ask them why
They tell me GameStop cartridges aren't used as in played before, but used in another way
Then I realized Star Fox had furries
Then I realized what they meant by that
and then I realized
I had AIDS
Star Fox is a cursed game franchise don't buy